Exposition personnelle "de terre, de couleurs et de lumière"
Du 4 avril au 18 mai 2025
Centre d'art Le Lézard, Colmar
Vernissage le vendredi 4 avril à 19h30
Et deux évènements à venir
Salon d'Automne, section Peinture « Synthèse»
Du 23 au 27 octobre 2024
Pavillons éphémères avenue des Champs-Élysées
Place Clemenceau
75008 Paris
Vernissage : mardi 22 octobre de 17h à 22h
Tous les jours de 11h à 20h
Mc Knight resident artist at Northern Clay, Minneapolis
October - December 2024
"Mediterranean Ceramics and their Global Influence", IAC members exhibition
Museu do Vinho de Alcobaça, Portugal
17 September - 30 December 2024
“Azulejos”, IAC members exhibition
Caldas da Rainha Cultural Centre
Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
17 - 20 September 2024
Collective exhibition "Liberté conditionnelle"
Ariana Museum, Geneva
28 June 2024 - 2 March 2025
Curated by Frédéric Bodet
Ceramics international competition and exhibition, Castellamonte, Italy
24 August - 15 September 2024
14 June - 14 September : Exhibition at Museum of Ceramics, Manises, Spain
International Ceramic Competition of the CICA ALCORA 2024
18 May - 30 September : Exhibition at Museu de Ceràmica de L'Alcora, Spain
Du 26-29 juin Salon des Beaux-Arts, Orangerie du Sénat, Paris
Exposition collective " A travers les voiles superposés"
Cohle Gallery, Paris
Du 25 au 28 avril
Curated by Marion Duquerroy
Dans le cadre de l’Art Month du Cercle de l'Art et des JEMA, mon atelier sera ouvert les :
Samedi 6 et dimanche 7 avril 2024 de 11h à 18h
Et les week-ends du 13/14 avril et 20/21 avril 2024 sur rendez-vous
While exhibited in London at Affordable Art Fair, I am happy to inform that my work was cited among the 9 must-see galleries at the Fair.
Read these articles :
6 - 10 MARCH 2024 - Affordable Art Fair UK, with justBEE Gallery, London
Salon d'Automne - 17 au 21 janvier 2024
Grande Halle de La Villette - Porte de Pantin - Paris 19e
Jeudi et vendredi de 11h à 19h - Samedi de 11h à 21h - Dimanche de 11h à 18h
17-19 October, 2023 - Taoxichuan Autumn Art Fair, China
Exhibition during the Art Fair
Artist Talk "Color as a pure energy, an intertwined practice between ceramics and paintings"
20 septembre au 24 septembre 2023 - Salon des Beaux-Arts à Paris (section peinture)
Vernissage le mercredi 20 septembre de 12h à 15h
Nocturne le samedi 23 jusqu’à 21h
Dimanche 24 de 11h à 17h
Réfectoire des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris
Salon des Beaux Arts in Paris, September 20 to september 24, 2023 from 11am to 7 pm
I am glad to announce that my sculpture “Golden Rock organic 4” has been awarded the 1st Mediterraneo Prize for the best artwork of the 30th International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art.
Prize motivation from the Jury that gathered on July 2, 2023:
«Karima Duchamp (France) has been awarded the 1st Prize “Mediterraneo” of the 30th International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art for her artwork - Golden Rock organic 4 – which perfectly summarizes the conceptual structure of a ceramic sculpture with organic, physical, decorative and technical references in a harmonious overall interpretation.»
The Jury of the Competition composed of Ciro D’Alò, Mayor of Grottaglie, is composed by Claudia Casali, Director of the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, Mauro Fusco, delegated by Mr. Di Palma Emanuele - the President of the BBC San Marzano bank, Vasi Hirdo, Publisher and Editor-in-chief of Ceramics Now and Marco Maria Polloniato, Curator of this competition and Art Historian.
Ceramic Museum, Castello Episcopio, 74023 Grottaglie TA, Italy
31 July to 3 August 2023
4 days workshop with adults, "Sign and Color"
Castle Hill for the Arts, Truro, MS, USA
10 - 13 NOVEMBER 2022
Hamburg Messe Eingang West, Halle A3, 20357 Hamburg, Germany
NEWS from July 2022 - represented by Triptyque Galerie in Les Sables D'Olonne, France
Collective exhibition, Moderne Gallery, Philadelphia
Open to the public
Friday, June 17, 2022
Collective exhibition, Espace Artistique de l'Anjou
June 18 > June 26, 2022
Parc de Pignerolle, St Barthélémy d'Anjou
Collective exhibition, Frontofbicycle Gallery in Basel
April 8 > April 17, 2022
Katapult Gallery
St. Johanns -Vorstadt 35, 4056 Basel
Vernissage: Friday, April 8th, 2022, from; 18:00 - 21:00
Collective exhibition, pop-up Galleries with justBEE Gallery
Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis
March 15 > April 2, 2022
Collective exhibition, Enseigne des Oudins, Paris
Curated by Les traces habiles
March 6 > March 27, 2022
ST’ART, international art fair for contemporary art with justBEE Gallery, Strasbourg
November 26 > November 28, 2021
Katapult Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Collective exhibition curated by Frontofbicycle Gallery
September 24 > October 3 2021
Valcke Art Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
Living surfaces
August 28 > October 3, 2021
COLLECTIBLE 2021, Brussels
with Valcke Art Gallery
26 - 27 May 26 > May 30, 2021
Selected for the XIV International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics of Aveiro 2021, Portugal
Exhibition from 30th October 2021 > 30th January 2022 in Museum of Aveiro / Santa Joana
Art Zone 42 Gallery, Athens, Greece
'Dream Big III' a group exhibition of drawings curated by Domna Chanoumidou
DESIGN WEEK with Collection Gallery
3 > 12 September 2020
Collective exhibition "jeux géométriques"
Galerie Séries Rares “Les Femmes 100 têtes”, Carouge, Switzerland
3 > 24 October 2020
Biennale de céramique internationale Contemporaine, Sèvres, France
September 24 > October 11, 2020
From January 2020 - international fairs & exhibitions,
Collection Gallery, Paris
COLLECTIBLE, Bruxelles with Spazio Nobile Gallery
5 > 8 March 2020
7 September - 6 October 2019 - Emergences 1, collective exhibition,
Robet Dantec Gallery, Belfort
Terra Viva Gallery, St Quentin la Poterie
29 July > 29 August 2019 - Le Grand Anniversaire, volet II
collective exhibition
2019 - New member of ARTAXIS, an independent network of artists
29 - 30 June 2019 - Les journées de la Céramique in Freiburg, Germany, Urachstraße, old station of Wiehre
28 September - 4 October 2018 - Collective show, Yingge Ceramics Museum - International Academy of Ceramics Congress and General Assembly 2018 in Taipei City, Taiwan
September 2017 - Admission as a Member of the International Academy of Ceramics / Admission en tant que Membre de l'Académie Internationale de la Céramique http://www.aic-iac.org/membres/nouveaux-membres-2017/
16 to 24 September 2017 - personal exhibition, Séries Rares Gallery, Carouge Ceramics Itinerary, Geneva, Switzerland.
6 to 10 December - DESIGN MIAMI with Moderne Gallery, Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, USA.
9 to 13 November : The SALON ART + DESIGN with Moderne Gallery Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA.
30th June to 3rd July : « Les Journées de la Céramique », Saint Sulpice, Paris.
30 juin au 3 juillet : « Les Journées de la Céramique », Saint Sulpice, Paris.
13 au 19 Juin : Design Miami/Basel 2016, avec la Moderne Gallery de Philadelphie, à la foire de Bâle, stand G35
13th to 19th June : Design Miami/Basel 2016 with Moderne Gallery Philadelphia, Messeplatz Basel, booth G35
4th to 5th June : « Contemporary Ceramic Fair », Giroussens, France
From 26th to 28th March : « Le printemps des potiers », Bandol
From 13th March to 29th May : “IMAGO” - BILD / ABBILD / IDEE in KERAMIK, collective exhibition,Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Germany
Du 13 mars au 29 mai : “IMAGO” - BILD / ABBILD / IDEE in KERAMIK, expostion collective,Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Allemagne.
J'expose en Allemagne au Keramikmuseum de Staufen du 19 février au 27 mars. Je serai heureuse de vous rencontrer au vernissage le 19 février à 19h
I exhibit in Germany from 19th February to 27th March in Keramikmuseums Staufen. I will be happy to meet you on the opening, the 19th February at 7pm
Révélations, la biennale internationale des métiers d'art et de la création entièrement dédiée à la création contemporaine, se tiendra du 10 au 13 septembre 2015 au Grand Palais à Paris, stand I9
Revelations, the International Biennial of Crafts and creation entirely dedicated to contemporary art, will be held from 10 to 13 September 2015 at the Grand Palais in Paris, booth I9
Ashes to Ashes: Religion in Contemporary Ceramic Art
August 7 through September 27, 2015, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia
Karima Duchamp «the visible and the invisible», solo exhibition, 31. July to 13. September 2015 in the Schloss, Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, Germany
Invited as Guest Artist-in-Residence, May 2015, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia
15 février au 16 avril : Galerie du Don : exposition « Paysages »
15 February to 16 April : Don gallery, France : collective exhibition « Paysages »
27 au 29 mars : salon Contrastes, ENSAIT, Roubaix
Le salon réunit une trentaine de céramistes nationaux et internationaux, une trentaine de peintres, sculpteurs et photographes et des galeries d’art
27 to 29 March : Contrastes collective exhibition, ENSAIT, Roubaix, France
The show brings together thirty national and international ceramists, thirty painters, sculptors and photographers and art galleries
5 au 14 février : Galerie Hayasaki, Paris : exposition « les boutons 2015 au Japon », AC Gallery : 5-5-9, Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japon
Comme la précédente exposition à Paris, la galerie Hayasaki, souhaite réunir dans un même lieu, tous les créateurs, designers et artistes afin de proposer au grand public la richesse créative des participants autour de la thématique du Bouton. La prochaine exposition est organisée dans le quartier chic de Tokyo, Ginza, chez AC Gallery
5 to 14 February : Hayasaki Gallery, Paris : collective exhibition « the buttons 2015 in Japan », AC Gallery : 5-5-9, Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Like the previous exhibition in Paris, the Hayasaki Gallery seeks to bring together in one place, all creators, designers and artists to offer to the public the creative richness of participants around the theme of Button. The next exhibition is organized in the trendy area of Ginza in Tokyo at AC Gallery
16 janvier au 22 février : exposition collective « Keramik – geformt und gebaut », Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Allemagne
La galerie ouvre la saison avec de la céramique contemporaine. Les 32 artistes invités viennent d'Allemagne, de Norvège, de France, du Danemark, du Royaume-Uni, d’Italie, d’Espagne et de Belgique
16 January to 22 February : collective exhibition « Keramik – geformt und gebaut », Handwerk Gallery, Munchen, Germany
The gallery opens the season with contemporary ceramics. The 32 invited artists come from Germany, Norway, France, Danemark, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Belgium